CBD For Sleep
A very common trend among adults is poor sleep habits and patterns. When we get quality sleep, we perform better, exercise better, think clearer etc. So if CBD is sleep effective, than that means it indirectly improves your overall performance.
Many researchers have shown studies involving many cannabinoids and sleep found that there is evidence that CBD can directly affect sleep by targeting specific receptors in the brain. More research is needed, but there is definite potential for CBD to help people who struggle with sleep disorders and insomnia get more and better quality sleep.
The relationship between CBD and sleep
There are several reasons why people have a hard time sleeping. It may be due to mental issues (depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder), certain medicines, continuous intake of caffeinated drinks, and outside factors such as noise.
In some cases, episodes of insomnia may be due to anxiety, as well. Although CBD research still has a long way to go, research suggests that it can help treat anxiety, which contributes to sleeplessness. This study conducted by Scott Shannon, MD et al. involved 72 patients. 47 subjects had anxiety, while the remaining 25 experienced a difficult time sleeping. The results showed that a 25mg CBD pill ingestion on the first month showed the following:
- 79.2% of all the participants said that CBD resulted in lower levels of anxiety; and
- 66.7% of all the participants said that CBD gave them a better sleep experience.
Another factor that can contribute to sleeplessness is pain, in any form. A study conducted by Frontiers in Pharmacology reported that CBD helps decrease pain, which ultimately reduces the discomfort felt when sleeping.
In another research study conducted in 2014 by researchers from University of São Paulo, Brazil, the subjects had Parkinson’s Disease, which involved a disorder in the rapid eye movement (REM) during sleep. The patients had REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) wherein they act out in response to their dreams and have a hard time sleeping. With CBD usage, the symptoms dramatically improved. In line with the study conducted with RBD, another research published in Springer Nature concluded that CBD intake might help treat the disorder, as well as daytime sleepiness.